Thursday, February 22, 2018

"Railroad Trestle in February"

We had an unusually warm day here in NH in February today, 76 degrees, so I decided to go out and do a quick sketch and enjoy the nice day. I have drawn this motif before because it's close to my house and it's a beautiful area. I thoroughly enjoyed the session. Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Another commission finished.  Charcoal on bristol vellum. This one had tough values because it was from a studio picture with multiple light sources. Very subtle changes all over. It turned out quite well. Thanks for visiting!


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

"Island Near The Shore"

A plein air piece along a highway leading to Millinocket, ME. I spotted this area as I was driving around looking for a motif. I came prepared the next morning all ready to paint and the weather was beautiful! The traffic was a bit daunting whizzing by at 65 mph but I persisted. A little touch up work in the studio and the piece was completed. I added the boats from Monet paintings to give it more interest. Thanks for visiting!