Tuesday, September 1, 2020

 "Still Standing"

I sat by the river on this cool winter day and sketched this beautiful scene as the river quietly flowed by. I loved the look of the tree all gnarled and weather worn and silhouetted against the sky. The rock added a support mechanism to the tree. The background is loosely sketched with a small tree to the far right as a minor point of interest to move the eye around the piece. Thanks for visiting!

Monday, August 17, 2020

"River Peninsula"


I sat by the riverside and sketched this scene not far from my home. It was a beautiful day with a nice breeze and it was very quiet. I love sketching outside like this. I used vine charcoal for this and it is very soft so it's usually not easy to keep a sharp point so I leave it blunt and just keep it loose. Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

"Sketching while waiting for Tami"

I sat by the riverside and sketched this quaint scene while waiting for someone to visit me soon. It was a peaceful scene and the weather was perfect. The sound of the river and the animals doing their thing made the experience more enchanting. Thanks for visiting!
"Late Summer at the Homestead"

I sketched this while sitting across the street near a popular hiking trail. I had to go back for a second session because I was blocking parking. It was a challenge for this one with all the flora abounding everywhere. I liked the house nestled within it all. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 8, 2020

"Milford Stone Church"

A plein air sketch I did while sitting on the side of a busy street. I really liked the shadow patterns and the interesting shapes of the church so that was the reason for wanting to sketch it. Thanks for visiting!