Tuesday, September 28, 2021

"The Old Barn"

This is an old barn in Hollis, NH that is somewhat of an icon and the property too. This is a painting of the original barn but it is long gone now and a replica has been built. It was later in the day and I wanted to capture that warm glow in the early evening. Thanks for visiting!

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

 "Conservation Area Concord"

A sketch done from the parking lot of the Concord Conservation Area in Concord, NH. There was a nice tree sitting right by the stream so I thought I'd sit down and sketch it. Done in pencil although I usually sketch in charcoal but I mix it up once in a while. A loose sketch with minimal detail but just enough to capture the essence of the scene. Thanks for visiting!

Monday, September 13, 2021

 "The Old Ice House"

This is a popular motif in New Hampshire. It's an old ice house that was reproduced and sitting on a farm in Hollis, NH. I sketched this sitting in my car with the AC on because it was so stifling hot outside and I was weak from my current condition. I feel I captured the essence of the scene on this bright and beautiful sunny day. Enjoy!